
07 Jan 2014

Uhura App is an open-source online podcast subscriptions manager.

I started work on this idea for my own independency from apple. The Itunes is awesome but many times I wanted listen a podcast and I don’t had an apple computer or smartphone near me, so I thought build the Uhura to run in browser because running in browser I can listen my podcasts everywhere, and keep it synced.

When I launched Uhura, I saw many sign in by no-apple users, so I searched alternatives to listen podcast on GNU/Linux and Windows, and there are many apps but one or two have a good experience. With Uhura I can help no-apple users (and maybe a apple users too, why not?) have a nice experience.

Talking about technical work, Uhura is my first real project using Go and Emberjs. I wanted learn golang and the best way to learn something is make it. About Emberjs, I developed many projects using BackboneJS, on Uhura I wanted uses another javascript framework, AngularJS was my first choise, but by many reason I chose EmberJS. I wrote a article about EmberJs+Golang: Tip Golang with EmberJS - JSON Response